Get in touch.
We can be contacted by phone, email or facebook messenger.
Please note that we are not office based and spend a lot of our time outdoors looking after the animals and with customers. If we are not available to answer the phone, leave a message on the answer-phone and we will respond as soon as possible, which may not be until the following day as there are times when the needs of our boarders take priority over answering enquiries.
The facebook messenger service is not reliable and should only be used for general non-urgent enquiries.
How to find us.
By Car:
We are easily to find from Telford or Shrewsbury.
You can use the M54 or A5 or take the B4394 from Admaston or Attingham.
Please see our diagram below.
Sunnymead Kennels & Cattery,
On the B4394,
At Walcot,
Telford, Shropshire

Visits to the Kennels and Cattery
All visits to our premises MUST be prebooked. Customers need to ring or email us to arrange appointments to drop-off and collect their pets.
We are unable to offer viewing visits. Our reluctance for “walk-rounds” started during lockdown when it was brought to our attention (through the Licensed Kennel & Cattery Association) that some people were using kennel viewings to "case the joint" and then pass on the information to others or to return to steal to order. We do have CCTV but have to consider our own safety and that of our staff. Viewings are also time consuming and disturb the resident dogs and cats, many of whom are unsettled by people peering into their accommodation or trying to get up close and personal. The happiness of our four-legged guests is paramount.
If there are questions about the suitability of a dog to stay with us, we are happy to do arrange a "meet and greet" in our car park or for you to book the dog in for a trial day.
Copyright © All rights reserved. Sunnymead Kennels & Cattery. 2023
Licensed under Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018
License number: BTWAWL016
Sunnymead Kennels & Cattery
Walcot, Telford,
01952 740242
Walcot, Telford, TF6 5EQ 01952 740242
Sunnymead Kennels & Cattery